
A Structure closely tied to Body A variable of type Atmosphere usually is obtained by the :ATM suffix of a Body. ALL The following values are read-only. You can’t change the value of a body’s atmosphere.

structure Atmosphere
Suffix Type Description
BODY string Name of the celestial body
EXISTS bool True if this body has an atmosphere
OXYGEN bool True if oxygen is present
SCALE scalar Used to find atmospheric density
SEALEVELPRESSURE scalar (atm) pressure at sea level
HEIGHT scalar (m) advertised atmospheric height
Access:Get only

The Body that this atmosphere is around - as a STRING NAME, not a Body object.

Access:Get only

True if this atmosphere is “real” and not just a dummy placeholder.

Access:Get only

True if the air has oxygen and could therefore be used by a jet engine’s intake.

Access:Get only

A math constant plugged into a formula to find atmosphere density.

Type:scalar (atm)
Access:Get only

Number of Atm’s at planet’s sea level 1.0 Atm’s = same as Kerbin.

Type:scalar (m)
Access:Get only

The altitude at which the atmosphere is “officially” advertised as ending. (actual ending value differs, see below).

Atmospheric Math


[Section deleted]

This documentation used to contain a description of how the math for Kerbal Space Program’s default stock atmospheric model works, but everything that was mentioned here became utterly false when KSP 1.0 was released with a brand new atmospheric model that invalided pretty much everything that was said here. Rather than teach people incorrect information, it was deemed that no documentation is better than misleading documentation, so this section below this point has been removed.